We are happy to announce that on Monday, September 16, we will be in Bergen with Papillon for an Experience Sharing event. Led by the sensational and brilliant Leila Rossow, Papillon Bergen is a highly experienced organisation that works with multicultural people between the ages of 16 and 30 (including those who have newly arrived in Norway). Papillon facilitates belonging and builds bridges for multicultural women in their every day lives by helping them better integrate and feel included in their communities.
Papillon offers advise on employment, education, future plans and a listening ear when needed. The amazing team behind Papillon provides a diversity of events, language chats, training, and individual mentoring about everything that relates to adjusting to life in Norway, whilst balancing one’s biculturalism or multiculturalism.
We are very excited to collaborate with Papillon. We look forward to joining them in Bergen and sharing our experience with you all.
This event was a successful and inspiring one.
Click here to read the reflections from our founder, Chisom Udeze.

To learn more about Papillon and the amazing work they do, click this link: https://papillonbergen.no