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Women in Leadership: Miriam Nabunya

At HerSpace, we are proud to be part of a collective and necessary effort to be active participants in helping women advance in their social, personal and professional lives. We have designed the Women in Leadership series as a way to amplify the voices, stories and experiences of women. Our featured women speakers have diverse backgrounds, have reached milestones in their careers, and have made an impact in their industry and communities. We all benefit when stories of challenges and wins are shared. We offer their stories, knowledge and insights to help empower you in your own journey.

Women in Leadership is a recurring event that will feature an inspirational female leader every month. If you would like to nominate a woman in your network as a way to honor her work, please reach out so our collection can grow with our community.

Miriam Nabunya

Miriam is the founder and managing director of Nabunya AS, a production company dedicated to serving professional organizers, management and agents by offering tailor-made services in project and process management, short or long term consultant services as well as stage and producer services.

Miriam has worked with some of the leading TV production companies, festivals and events companies in Norway. Her 18 years’ experience and background in Arts Management (Norway), Hospitality and Leadership (Sweden, France & Norway) and the Ugandan heritage, contribute to her high EQ level.

Miriam loves systematic inventive thinking (SIT) and the strategic planning of complex projects, at this point of her life, it’s become a lifestyle.

While managing and building Nabunya AS, Miriam also works as a transformation mindset coach because she truly believes that we can train our minds to achieve and overcome whatever roadblocks we meet in life. Through her transformational life and mindset coaching, she develops talks, programs and tools that equip ambitious individuals and leaders to transform their mindset for personal and professional success and finally dare to, unapologetically, step into the life they truly desire.