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Women in Business: Market Research for Growth

Women in Business is a series designed and led by women to share their knowledge about valuable and necessary business skills needed to drive growth at your company. Whether you are a startup or an SME, this series will introduce you to an inspiring, professional and highly skilled woman. Each session will cover a specific topic and will provide valuable expertise to people who are looking to improve their skills to increase their employability or to develop or start their own businesses.

Market Research for Growth

The third session is facilitated by Chisom Udeze. She will be talking about basics of market research and how it can lead to valuable insight and growth. Market research is a structured effort to gather information about target markets and customers. We use this information to understand them, beginning with who they are. This is a vital component of business strategy and a major factor in maintaining competitiveness and allows companies to make informed decisions regarding products or services that are offered.

In this session, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive direct feedback on your business idea. You will also learn practical “How To” on steps to take when conducting your research. Chisom will also share resources for you to conduct your own evaluations to help your business grow.