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Women in Business: 7 Practical Steps to Jumpstart Your Business

Women in Business is a series designed and led by women to share their knowledge about valuable and necessary business skills needed to drive growth at your company. Whether you are a startup or an SME, this series will introduce you to an inspiring, professional and highly skilled woman. Each session will cover a specific topic and will provide valuable expertise to people who are looking to improve their skills to increase their employability or to develop or start their own businesses.

There has never been a better time to start a business, as Benjamin Franklin said, “Out Of Adversity Comes Opportunity!”

The pandemic has hit us all very hard and many of us have lost our jobs or are struggling to find employment, so why not throw caution to the wind and bet on yourself to finally realize that dream in your heart. Want help to get going? No problem!

Maybe you’ve already started your business but you’re feeling stuck and need a little bit of a boost. Either way, you’ve come to the right place.

In this joint initiative between HerSpace, YUDconsult and Diversify , we’ll walk you through 7 very practical steps to jumpstart your business. 

The session will be facilitated by the founder of YUDconsult, Hyacinth Walters-Olsen and promises to be insightful, fun, interactive and will provide lots and lots of value!

You will leave the session feeling inspired, motivated and will be practically equipped to get going.

Do you think you’ve got what it takes? Register today and let’s make 2021 the year you say yes to yourself!