In this event we will explore the value as well as the difficulties of speaking up.
We all have experienced how difficult it can be to speak up. It can be difficult to acknowledge or point out mistakes, share individual challenges or new ideas. When faced with injustice, or witnessing inappropriate behaviour or arguments, we sometimes stay quiet, despite an urgent feeling of wanting to speak up.
Speaking up is not easy. It can be challenging, uncomfortable and even risky. It requires a willingness to make yourself be seen and be vulnerable. At the same time, speaking up can be a gateway. Since we all have a unique perspective, our experiences and perceptions of reality are valuable. By sharing our perspective we are opening a room of possibilities. We enable us and the people around us to identify challenges, reflect on the status quo and create change.
Therefore we like to share stories of failing to speak up and the path to grow into your own voice. Finally we like to map-out hands-on strategies that enable you to share your unique perspective with others.
This is an interactive session. Bring your thoughts, stories, concerns and share your perspective with us.
This event is free to attend, please register HERE.